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Recovery , File Recovery Process

File recovery process can be briefly described as drive or folder scanning to find deleted entries in Root Folder (FAT) or Master File Table (NTFS) th
9 min read



Consistency Checking

  • The storing of certain data structures ( e.g. directories and inodes ) in memory and the caching of disk operations can speed up performance, but what happens in the result of a system crash? All volatile memory structures are lost, and the information stored on the hard drive may be left in an inconsistent state.
  • Consistency Checker ( fsck in UNIX, chkdsk or scandisk in Windows ) is often run at boot time or mount time, particularly if a filesystem was not closed down properly. Some of the problems that these tools look for include:
    • Disk blocks allocated to files and also listed on the free list.
    • Disk blocks neither allocated to files nor on the free list.
    • Disk blocks allocated to more than one file.
    • The number of disk blocks allocated to a file inconsistent with the file's stated size.
    • Properly allocated files / inodes which do not appear in any directory entry.
    • Link counts for an inode not matching the number of references to that inode in the directory structure.
    • Two or more identical file names in the same directory.
    • Illegally linked directories, e.g. cyclical relationships where those are not allowed, or files/directories that are not accessible from the root of the directory tree.
    • Consistency checkers will often collect questionable disk blocks into new files with names such as chk00001.dat. These files may contain valuable information that would otherwise be lost, but in most cases they can be safely deleted, ( returning those disk blocks to the free list. )
  • UNIX caches directory information for reads, but any changes that affect space allocation or metadata changes are written synchronously, before any of the corresponding data blocks are written to.

File Recovery Process

File recovery process can be briefly described as drive or folder scanning to find deleted entries in Root Folder (FAT) or Master File Table (NTFS) then for the particular deleted entry, defining clusters chain to be recovered and then copying contents of these clusters to the newly created file.

Different file systems maintain their own specific logical data structures, however basically each file system:

  • Has a list or catalogue of file entries, so we can iterate through this list and entries, marked as deleted
  • Keeps for each entry a list of data clusters, so we can try to find out set of clusters composing the file

Files and directories are kept both in main memory and on disk, and care must taken to ensure that system failure does not result in loss of data or in data inconsistency. We deal with these issues in the following sections.

Consistency Checking

As discussed in Section 11.3, some directory information is kept in main memory (or cache) to speed up access. The directory information in main memory is generally more up to date than is the corresponding information on the disk, because cached directory information is not necessarily written to disk as soon as the update takes place.

 Consider, then, the possible effect of a computer crash. Cache and buffetcontents, as well as I/O operations in progress, can be lost, and with them any changes in the directories of opened files. Such an event can leave the file system in an inconsistent state: The actual state of some files is not as described in the directory structure. Frequently, a special program is run at reboot time to check for and correct disk inconsistencies.

The consistency checker—a systems program such as f sck in UNIX or chkdsk in MS-DOS—compares the data in the directory structure with the data blocks on disk and tries to fix any inconsistencies it finds. The allocation and free-space-management algorithms dictate what types of problems the checker can find and how successful it will be in fixing them. For instance, if linked allocation is used and there is a link from any block to its next block, then the entire file can be reconstructed from the data blocks, and the directory structure can be recreated.

In contrast, the loss of a directory entry on an indexed allocation system can be disastrous, because the data blocks have no knowledge of one another. For this reason, UNIX caches directory entries for reads; but any data write that results in space allocation, or other metadata changes, is done synchronously, before the corresponding data blocks are written. Of course, problems can still occur if a synchronous write is interrupted by a crash.

Backup and Restore

 Magnetic disks sometimes fail, and care must be taken to ensure that the data lost in such a failure are not lost forever. To this end, system programs can be used to back up data from disk to another storage device, such as a floppy disk, magnetic tape, optical disk, or other hard disk.

Recovery from the loss of an individual file, or of an entire disk, may then be a matter of restoring the data from backup. To minimize the copying needed, we can use information from each file's directory entry. For instance, if the backup program knows when the last backup of a file was done, and the file's last write date in the directory indicates that the file has not changed since that date, then the file does not need to be copied again. A typical backup schedule may then be as follows:

 • Day 1. Copy to a backup medium all files from the disk. This is called a full backup.

• Day 2. Copy to another medium all files changed since day 1. This is an incremental backup.

 • Day 3. Copy to another medium all files changed since day 2.

• Day N. Copy to another medium all files changed since day N— 1. Then go back to Day 1. The new cycle can have its backup written over the previous set or onto a new set of backup media.

In this manner, we can restore an entire disk by starting restores with the full backup and continuing through each of the incremental backups. Of course, the larger the value of N, the greater the number of tapes or disks that must be read for a complete restore. An added advantage of this backup cycle is that we can restore any file accidentally deleted during the cycle by retrieving the deleted file from the backup of the previous day.

The length of the cycle is a compromise between the amount of backup medium needed and the number of days back from which a restore can be done. To decrease the number of tapes that must be read, to do a restore, an option is to perform a full backup and then each day back up all files that have changed since the full backup. In this way, a restore can be done via the most recent incremental backup and. the full backup, with no other incremental backups needed. The trade-off is that more files will be modified each day, so each successive incremental backup involves more files and more backup media.

A user may notice that a particular file is missing or corrupted long after the damage was done. For this reason, we usually plan to take a full backup from time to time that will be saved "forever." It is a good idea to store these permanent backups far away from the regular backups to protect against hazard, such as a fire that destroys the computer and all the backups too. And if the backup cycle reuses media, we must take care not to reuse the media too many times—if the media wear out, it might not be possible to restore any data from the backups.

After finding out the proper file entry and assembling set of clusters, composing the file, read and copy these clusters to another location.

Step by Step with examples:

  • Disk Scanning
  • Cluster chain
  • Clusters chain recovery for the deleted entry

However, not every deleted file can be recovered, there are some assumptions, for sure:

  • First, we assume that the file entry still exists (not overwritten with other data). The less the files have been created on the drive where the deleted file was resided, the more chances that space for the deleted file entry has not been used for other entries.
  • Second, we assume that the file entry is more or less safe to point to the proper place where file clusters are located. In some cases (it has been noticed in Windows XP, on large FAT32 volumes) operating system damages file entries right after deletion so that the first data cluster becomes invalid and further entry restoration is not possible.
  • Third, we assume that the file data clusters are safe (not overwritten with other data). The less the write operations have been performed on the drive where deleted file was resided, the more chances that the space occupied by data clusters of the deleted file has not been used for other data storage.

As general advices after data loss:

1. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ONTO THE DRIVE CONTAINING YOUR IMPORTANT DATA THAT YOU HAVE JUST DELETED ACCIDENTALLY! Even data recovery software installation could spoil your sensitive data. If the data is really important to you and you do not have another logical drive to install software to, take the whole hard drive out of the computer and plug it into another computer where data recovery software has been already installed or use recovery software that does not require installation, for example recovery software which is capable to run from bootable floppy.

2. DO NOT TRY TO SAVE ONTO THE SAME DRIVE DATA THAT YOU FOUND AND TRYING TO RECOVER! When saving recovered data onto the same drive where sensitive data is located, you can intrude in process of recovering by overwriting FAT/MFT records for this and other deleted entries. It's better to save data onto another logical, removable, network or floppy drive.

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